OCEJWCD 6 Tutorial: The servlet’s environment
The OCEJWCD 6 is the new exam for Java EE web component developers. This tutorial explains “The servlet’s environment” exam topic in detail with code examples. Disclaimer : The contents are taken from free resources available on web including Oracle site and Wikipedia. Servlets communicate with web users over a request response pattern executed by the servlet container. HTTP protocol can process the request−response pattern. Servlet container is essentially a part of a web server that interacts with the servlets. The servlet container is used for managing other features of the servlet lifecycle. This article shows how to communicate with Servlets. And also understand the HTTP protocols, HTML forms, HttpServlet, related APIs and sample program to manage client sessions and cookies. Contents 1 HTTP protocol 1.1 Example client request 1.2 Example server response 1.3 Types of HTTP Request 2 HTML forms 2.1 HTML Page Structure 2.2 HTML Form 3 HttpServlet an...